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What is Coaching?

Process a Transition

Outline Your Next Steps

Overcome Hardship or Feeling Stuck

Shift Your Perspective

Discover Your Calling and Gifts

Coaching is a unique discipline and conversational approach to helping people. 


Though often confused for each other, coaching is unique from counseling, mentoring, and consulting in many ways. The focus of coaching is empowerment, listening to the heart and challenging people to the greatness that is within them. Life coaching is based on the principle that you, the client, are the expert. A coaching session allows you to process and explore options, and direction. 


The main goal of coaching is to create a safe environment where you feel heard, known and seen, resulting in your personal growth or breakthrough.  Imagine having space where the focus is all on you. How would you feel? What would that mean to you? The coach's role is to believe in you, sometimes even before you do!  


By creating a safe environment for you, believing in you, asking powerful questions, and calling you to decision and action, the coach approach is a great practical expression of empowering and honoring others well.


Coaching also requires you to put in the hard work.  No one grows, succeeds or changes overnight. Your willingness to invest your time, energy and vulnerability to examine any limitations, obstacles or flawed mindsets, and then work toward overcoming or challenging them is your roadmap to personal growth. 


Growth takes time.  Momentum is built on duration.  To achieve momentum and permanent change, I suggest we work together for at least 3 months, meeting every week or every other week.  This allows us to establish a routine and dig deep for maximum results.  


Picture your life now...without roadblocks and living the life you have imagined!  We can achieve this together!

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